Seno's Soapbox

#9: Farewell to the Creek

Me: So, Dawson's Creek is ending.

You: Yeah, so?

Me: Oh, nothing.  I was just thinking about how crappy it's been lately.

You: You actually watch that shit?  

Me: Yeah, I used to.

You: Katie Holmes is fucking hot.

Me: Well, yeah.  But the show used to be worth watching, too.

You: What?!

Me: No, seriously.  Back in the day, it was great.  The characters were interesting, the storylines were about stuff you could actually relate to, the dialogue didn't talk down to you --

You: The girls were babes --

Me: Yes, the girls were hotties, alright?!

You: But you think it's no good now?

Me: I dunno; it seemed to lose it's way at the outset of the whole "Dawson's Dad dies" deal.

You: Wasn't his Dad the Flash?

Me: Way back when, yes.  Now he's dead.

You: The Flash is dead?

Me: No, Dawson's Dad is dead.  Stay with me here, dude.

You: So Dawson doesn't have a dad; big deal.

Me: Well, instead of writing about college life and all the stuff that goes down during one's campus days, the show's writers seemed to get bogged down in this very heavy story-arc about mourning, and things just seemed to get shittier from there.  The story stopped being any fun at all; it was like the writers started getting off on throwing horrible things at the characters.

You: Real life is shitty sometimes, too, man.

Me: Yeah, I know, but they really dropped the ball with the other characters.  I mean Joey falls for her fucking teacher?  That's been done to death!

You: You going somewhere with this?

Me: Just that I've been thinking about it a lot lately.  About where it went wrong.

You: Because??

Me: Because I'm at that same cross-roads with OFF CAMPUS.   Dawson's Creek started having problems when the kids graduated high school and the show seemed to be unable to function within a new dynamic.

You: And you're freaked because the OFF CAMPUS characters are getting ready to graduate college?

Me: Exactly.  And frankly, I'm not sure I can pull off the transition from college to the "real world" in the comic strip.

You: You killing anybody's dad?

Me: Wasn't planning on it.

You: Then what's the problem?

Me: It's just going to be difficult to write the next few months worth of story, is all.  I'm not sure how "real" I should make it.

You: You need to just write, man.  Whatever comes, comes.

Me: And if I fuck it all up?  

You: Then draw a comic about how Rachel and Suzie become lesbians.  Seriously man, no one reads this comic for the story.  They read it because you draw women with big tits.

Me: Can we pretend that's not true?

You: Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Today's Question:  So that's the scoop.  Anything you absolutely don't want to change in the coming weeks?   Let me know .

Good Shit:  Go to the movies.  There's a lot of good films out right now, and a bunch more getting ready to come out.

Previous Soapbox rants can be found here .

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